OberlinKids partner, Lorain County Public Health, offers a wealth of services for new and expectant moms and their families.  Visit their site to learn about the following programs:

Lorain County Connect Mom, Prenatal Visits, Newborn Visit and Cribs for Kids 


Breastfeeding Support Group (Library is restricted due to covid – please contact the library for availability)
2nd Tuesday of each month at 10:30am at the Oberlin Public Library, 65 S. Main St. Oberlin
(This is not a library sponsored program.)

Going back to work while breastfeeding is made easier with the Breastfeeding Support in the Workplace Guide


Healthy Baby, Healthy Family


Mercy Resource Mothers Program also has wonderful programming that includes certified Community Health Workers to give guidance and referrals to new parents. They also provide services for the Moms & Babies First Program: Ohio’s Black Infant Vitality Program (formerly OIMRI) is a monthly home visiting program that assists pregnant high-risk, African-American women in Lorain County through the child’s first year of life.  This program is funded by the Ohio Department of Health.