
Description of Program
Leap! into Literacy is a series of movement classes for children ages two through five and their
grown-up. Each class focuses on a particular book, combining story time with movement
activities to promote early literacy and physical fitness for preschool children.
Dates and Time of Program
Leap! into Literacy will be offered on Tuedays from 10:30-11:30am from March 28th through May 16th
Program Cost
Thanks to generous scholarship funding from the Stocker Foundation, OberlinKids and KidSpeak are happy to be able to offer this Leap! into Literacy programming free of charge in the Oberlin Community.
Location of Program
Leap! into Literacy classes will be offered in the Community Room of the Oberlin Public
Library (65 S. Main Street).
Registration Information
Registration for Leap! into Literacy classes is currently not required. This is a drop-in program.
Come when you can and bring your friends!
Program Staff
Leap! into Literacy will be co-facilitated by Amy Larson and Laura Slocum.
Amy Larson is a professional dancer, certified Pilates instructor, and owner of Amy Larson
Laura Slocum is a nationally certified and state-licensed Speech-Language Pathologist and co-
author of the Leap! into Literacy curriculum.
Gwen LeBar Feldman is a movement educator specializing in creative and functional movement
and co-author of the Leap! into Literacy curriculum.
Important Program Information
-Leap! into Literacy is not a treatment or therapy group. Children of all abilities are welcome.
-Each participating child must be accompanied and supervised by their grown-up. This grown-up
will be required to participate with and will be always fully responsible for their child.

Event Contact:  Laura Slocum, 440-340-1233,


Launch Event